
如果把表示否定意味的副词(not、never, hardly )挪到句首来强调语气,就得使用倒装句。例如:

  • We don't have such luck every day.


如果为了强调“不是每天”,而把not every day挪到句首,就要用倒装句。因为not和every day都是修饰动词的,而且not是用来作否定句的副词,和助动词do不能分开。一旦移到句首,助动词do也要往前移来配合否定句的需要,就成为倒装句:

Not every day do we have such luck.


I will not stop waiting for you until you are married. (除非你结婚,否则我会一直等你。)

同样的,如果把not until you are married移到句首来强调语气,就得把助动词will倒装到主语前面来配合否定句的要求:

Not until you are married will I stop waiting for you.

另外有一些副词,像hardly、barely 等等,虽然不是一般否定句用的not,不过功能与用法都类似,移到句首时也要倒装。例如:

I had hardly sat down to work when the phone rang. (我刚坐下来要做事,电话就响了。)


  • Hardly had I sat down to work when the phone rang.


  • Hardly anyone knew him. (几乎没有人认识他。)

这是因为hardly虽然在句首,不过它是用来修饰主语anyone,句首是它正常的位置,没有经过调动,因而也不需要倒装。 同样的情形也见于only—字的变化。请看这个例子:

Only I saw him yesterday. (昨天只有我见到他。) Only原本就是修饰主语I,放在它前面是正常位置,不需倒装。


I saw him only yesterday. (我见到他,不过是昨天的亊。) 如果把only yesterday调到句首来强调“不过是昨天而已”,意思是“不是更早以前的事”,也有否定的意味,所以可以视同表示否定的副词移到句首的变化,需要倒装: Only yesterday did I see him.


  1. Gradually they became close friends.

  2. Only gradually did they become close friends.

    例1中的副词gradually放在句首,是语法上许可的位置,而且没有否定意味,不必倒装。可是例2中的only gradually 就带有强烈的否定意味,表示not at once或是not very fast,这时就得动用倒装句型了。

not only和but also配合时,如果选择倒装,变化比较复杂。请看这个例子:

He not only passed the exam but also scored at the top. (他不但及格了,还考了第一。) 句中的but是对等连接词。形成not only...but also的相关词组 (correlative) 时,严格要求连接的对称。上例中的passed the exam 和 scored at the top 都是动词短语,符合对称的要求。

如果要把not only 移到句首来强调语气,因为 not only是有否定功能的副词,所以要用倒装句型。先直接倒装成为:

Not only did he pass the exam but also scored at the top.(误) 前半句用倒装句是对的,错在对等连接词but的左右不对等。 左边he passed the exam 是从句,而右边的scored at the top 却是动词短语。


Not only did he pass the exam but also he scored at the top.(不佳) 这样改过来,but的左右都是从句,满足了语法的要求,不过还是有缺憾。因为also和only—样都是属于focusing adverbs,是一种有强调功能的副词。许多学习者把but also连在一起来背,不知它有时也该拆开。在but右边的also不应用来强调he,而应用来强调scored at the top (而且还考第一),这样才能呼应左边not only did he pass...(不仅考及格)的语气。

所以最佳的作法是把also移到 scored的前面:

Not only did he pass the exam but he also scored at the top. 这样才算满足了所有的语法修辞要求。

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