Test 15


  1. Gold not only looks beautiful __ lasts forever.

    (A) and

    (B) nevertheless

    (C) but also

    (D) besides

  2. Democracy is not the ideal political institution, __ it is an optimal one.

    (A) where

    (B) and

    (C) so

    (D) but

  3. __ to militarism nor the imposition of a totalitarianism could long guarantee Japan victory in war.

    (A) The devotion is neither

    (B) Neither is the devotion

    (C) The devotion, neither

    (D) Neither the devotion

  4. War is destructive, wasteful,and __.

    (A) ultimately futile

    (B) an ultimately futile exercise

    (C) it is ultimately futile

    (D) ultimate futility

  5. To succeed in this business, you must be either talented __ hard working.

    (A) orbe

    (B) or

    (C) nor

    (D) and

  6. Not only __ but he also drinks heavily.

    (A) he smokes a lot

    (B) he does smoke a lot

    (C) does he smoke a lot

    (D) does smoke a lot

  7. Not only is fruit cheap in

    Thailand __ .

    (A) but it also comes in many varieties

    (B) but also in many varieties

    (C) but also comes in many varieties

    (D) and also various

  8. The origin of "go" and __ was in ancient China.

    (A) the place of its development

    (B) it was developed

    (C) it was developed which

    (D) the development was there

  9. Oil painting began with the Flemish artists, __ watercolor has been around since ancient cavemen first dug out colored earth from the ground and mixed it with water.

    (A) so

    (B) and

    (C) or

    (D) but

  10. Hawaii is famous for its spectacular volcanoes, friendly people, and __.

    (A) pleasant

    (B) to have pleasant beaches

    (C) its beaches are pleasant

    (D) pleasant beaches

  11. Her boyfriend is tall, handsome, and __ .

    (A) intelligence

    (B) intelligent

    (C) intelligently

    (D) he is intelligent

  12. When the eye of a typhoon passes through,the air is still,the humidity high, __ low.

    (A) with air pressure

    (B) air pressure being

    (C) that the air pressure is

    (D) and the air pressure

  13. They plan to shop the whole afternoon and __ the evening through.

    (A) dance

    (B) dancing

    (C) have danced

    (D) will dancing

  14. A password consisting of both letters and numerals cannot be easily guessed, __ be easily cracked by a decoding expert.

    (A) nor can it

    (B) and cannot it

    (C) nor it cannot

    (D) it cannot

  15. The police detective tried to find clues by __ and repeatedly questioning the suspect.

    (A) careful

    (B) carefully

    (C) he is careful

    (D) to be careful

  16. Allowing children to make small decisions for themselves may contribute to harmony, efficiency and __.

    (A) happiness

    (B) they are happy

    (C) happily

    (D) to happy

  17. Meteorological satellites help make weather forecasts more accurate and __.

    (A) more reliably

    (B) more reliability

    (C) more reliable

    (D) it is reliable

  18. Contrary to common belief, the pencil uses __.

    (A) lead nor graphite

    (B) but lead not graphite

    (C) not lead but graphite

    (D) graphite but lead

  19. Controlling the way you spend money is often a more effective way to meet a budget than __.

    (A) try to make more money

    (B) you try to make more money

    (C) trying to make more money

    (D) you are trying to make more money

  20. Dr. Sun Yat-sen is remembered by Chinese __ the Ching Dynasty but also for laying down the foundations for a new China.

    (A) not only overthrew

    (B) only not overthrew

    (C) not only for overthrowing

    (D) for not only overthrowing

Answer key 15

  1. (C)

    not only必须有but also配合使用。

  2. (D)

    neither...nor之间要求对称。nor的右边是名词短语the imposition of a

    totalitarianism (强加以集权统治),最符合对称要求的是D中的名词短语

    the devotion to militarism (奉献于军国主义)。

  3. (D)


  4. (A)



  5. (B)


  6. (A)

    not only要与but also配合使用,而且要求对称。Not only后面是一个倒


  7. (D)



  8. (B)



  9. (A)


  10. (C)

    Not only移至句首时要用倒装句型。

  11. (A)

    and左边是名词the origin,右边也要求名词来对称,故选A。go指“围棋”,


  12. (D)

    同样是着眼于对称要求。只有D的pleasant beaches可以和 and 左边的

    spectacular volcanoes 和 friendly people 对称。

  13. (D)

    未省略前是 the air is still,the humidity is high,and the air pressure

    is low这三个以and连接的对等从句,省略掉重复的be动词之后即得出D。

  14. (A)


  15. (B)


  16. (C)

    形容词more reliable可和形容词more accurate对称。

  17. (C)

    比较级也要求对称。比较的一方是动名词短语controlling the way...,所

    以在than后面与它比较的另一方应选C,trying to...也是动名词短语。

  18. (A)

    因为对等连接词and的要求,所以选名词happiness来和名词 harmony、

    efficiency 对称。

  19. (C)

    not... but表示“非前者,是后者”。铅笔用的不是铅,是石墨。

  20. (C)

    下文有but also for…,所以空格中要选not only for...来配合。

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