

When she arrived at the party,she found all the people gone. 副词从句 (她到达舞会场地时,发现人都走光了。)

与连接词 when 近似的介词有 on 和 upon 。上面的句子可以改写为:

Upon arriving at the party, she found all the people gone. 介词短语

因为介词后面只有一个宾语的空间,所以句型要大幅精简,所有重复、空洞的字眼都要删去,有意义的部分则尽量保留下来。通常可以把动词改成动名词(加 -ing ),如上例的方式处理。不过也可以这样修改:

Upon her arrival at the party, she found all the people gone. 介词短语

动词 arrive 直接改成名词 arrival ,符合词类要求而意思不变。下面的例子就有些不同:

When she completed the project, she was promoted. 副词从句 (她完成了这项计划,就被提升了。)


Upon completing the project,she was promoted. 介词短语

可是动词 complete 如改成名词 completion ,就会有问题:

Upon completion the project, she was promoted.(误)

错误在于 complete 的后面有宾语 the project 。一旦变成名词的 completion ,原来的宾语就无所归依,所以要再加介词 of 来处理:

Upon completion of the project,she was promoted. 介词短语


The construction work was delayed because it had been raining. 副词从句 (因为一直下雨,建筑工程就耽搁了。)

上例中副词从句的连接词可以改为介词 because of ,成为:

The construction work was delayed because of rain. 介词短语

状语从句中的虚主语 it ,以及动词 had been 都可以省略,有意义的只有 rain 一词要留下来。再看这个例子:

Althought he opposed it,the plan was carried out. 状语从句 (虽然他反对,这个计划还是施行了。)

例句中连接词 although 和介词 despite 或 in spite of 意思接近, 可以改为:

Despite his opposition,the plan was carried out. 介词短语

状语从句中的宾语 it ,其内容与主要从句重复,是多余的字眼。Although 改为介词 Despite 后,只能接一个宾语,里面要放下 he opposed 这个部分的概念,于是将词类变化为 his opposition 。再看下例:

If there should be a fire, the sprinkler will be started. 副词从句 (万一失火,洒水器会开动。)

例句中的连接词 if 和介词 in case of 近似。改写后,副词从句中的 there should be 这几个没有内容的词都要省略,只要把有意义的 fire 一词放进去就好:

In case of a fire, the sprinkler will be started. 介词短语


Because the exam is only a week away, I have no time to waste. (状语从句) S V C (因为离考试只剩一个星期了,我不能再浪费时间。)

这个状语从句的主语 the exam 和主要从句主语 I 不同,不易简化,需改成介词短语:

With the exam only a week away,I have no time to waste. 介词 O C

连接词 because 改成介词 with 。原来的主语 the exam 作它的宾语。be 动词省略后,主语补语 only a week away 就成了宾语补语,完成了简化的工作。

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