Test 14


  1. Not long ago I wrote a letter to a friend, __ almost got us into a quarrel.

    (A) whom

    (B) where

    (C) which

    (D) what

  2. You are the only friend __ he will listen to at all.

    (A) where

    (B) whom

    (C) which

    (D) that

  3. England, __ is justly proud of her poets, is today ranked behind the continent in poetic achievement.

    (A) which

    (B) that

    (C) where

    (D) whom

  4. Choose the correct sentence:

    (A) I have bought a book, the cover of which bears a picture of The Hague.

    (B) I have bought a book; the cover of which bears a picture of The Hague.

    (C) I have bought a book, the cover of which, bears a picture of The Hague.

    (D) I have bought a book, of which bears a picture of The Hague.

  5. I find it very unfair when __I do is considered mediocre or a failure. I can be depressed for days because of__ happens.

    I. (A) that (B) those (C) which (D) what II.(A) who (B) what (C) that (D) where

  6. This is the one encyclopedia upon __ I can depend.

    (A) that

    (B) which

    (C) what

    (D) it

  7. __ is elected President,

    corruption won't cease.

    (A) Whatever

    (B) Who

    (C) How

    (D) Whoever

  8. __ likes good food and cheerful service would like the Regent Hotel.

    (A) Who that

    (B) Someone

    (C) Whoever

    (D) Who

  9. Neither success nor money, to me at least, is the criterion __ we are to be judged.

    (A) which

    (B) to which

    (C) under which

    (D) since which

  10. This custom, __,is slowly


    (A) of many centuries ago origin

    (B) which originated many centuries ago

    (C) with many centuries origin

  11. I'm afraid I'd never be able to see Jane again, __ very much.

    (A) that I love

    (B) I love

    (C) I love her

    (D) whom I love

  12. Didn't you know that all __ is not gold?

    (A) which glitters

    (B) glitters

    (C) who glitters

    (D) that glitters

  13. __ he has in his pocket, it's not a gun.

    (A) What

    (B) Whatever

    (C) When

    (D) How

  14. I have a present for __ his hand first.

    (A) whoever raises

    (B) whomever raises

    (C) anyone raises

    (D) whoever that raises

  15. Abandoned flower pots are __.

    (A) where do mosquitoes thrive

    (B) mosquitoes thrive there

    (C) where mosquitoes thrive

    (D) what mosquitoes thrive

  16. Boys __ in the dorm make a lot of friends.

    (A) who live

    (B) who lives

    (C) live

    (D) that living

  17. The author wrote his first novel __ he was working as a hotel clerk.

    (A) which

    (B) during

    (C) what

    (D) while

  18. The final decision will be up to __ everyone trusts.

    (A) Judge Clemens, whom

    (B) Judge Clemens, who

    (C) Judge Clemens whom

    (D) Judge Clemens who

  19. __ held upside down, the fire extinguisher begins to spray


    (A) When it is

    (B) When they are

    (C) Whenever they are

    (D) During it is

  20. I need to know __ the library is open.

    (A) that

    (B) when

    (C) which

    (D) if it

Answer key 14

1.(C) 这个位置要能作got的主语,又要作连接词,因而是关系代名词(A、C或D)。 其中A是宾格不行,D又需省去先行词,所以只剩C的which,表示“写信这 件事”或“这封信”险些引起争吵。 2.(A) 空格中是is的主语(A或B),而在括弧性的逗号中不应用指示性的that, 故选A。 3.(D) 先行词是the only friend,有明显的指示功能,故关系词应用 that。 4.(A) B错在以分号区分关系从句和先行词,C错在以逗号分隔主词the cover of which和动词bears,D错在用介系词短语of which作主语。 5.(B) 虽然先行词the one encyclopedia也有明显的指示功能,但关系词出现在介 系词后面(在此为upon)时就不能借用that,所以选B。 6.(C) 空格前面没有先行词,因而要选whoever这个省略先行词的关系词。 7.(B) A和C都在名词origin前面加上了短语(many centuries ago 和many centuries)来修饰,可是名词前面只能用单词的形容词来修饰,所以错误。B 是正确的形容词从句。 8.Ⅰ(D) Ⅱ(B) 两个位置都省掉了先行词,所以只能选择what。 9.(D) 空格前无先行词,只能选A或D。而“当选总统”者应为“人”,故选D。 10.(C) 关系从句可还原为 We are to be judged under the criterion.(我们应以 此标准来被衡量。),因而改成关系从句要用under which。 11.(D) 空格以下原来是这一句:I love Jane very much,改成关系从句即为whom I love very much。因为关系从句前面有逗号,所以whom不能省略。 12.(D) All that glitters is not gold.(会发亮的并不都是金子。)这是一句格言。 关系从句that glitters之中的关系词应用that,因为先行词all表示“全 部”,是一个指示明确的范围,所以要用that来取代which。 13.(A) whoever这种关系词不需要先行词,功能相当于anyone that。因为要作动词 raises的主语,所以要用主格whoever。 14.(A) who live in the dorm是形容词从句,主语who代表先行词 boys,是复数, 所以动词live不加-s。 15.(A) Judge Clemens是专有名词,作为先行词时要用逗号隔开来,因为这种关系从句不能有指示性。逗号后面的关系词应用宾格的whom,因为作trusts的 宾语使用。 16.(B) whatever 一字作为no matter what解释时,是表示让步的语气,后面引导 的从句应作为表示让步的副词从句解释。 17.(C) 本句可还原为:Abandoned flower pots are places where mosquitoes thrive.(弃置的花盆是蚊虫孳生的地方。)省略掉 places之后就是C的答案。 18.(D) 空格后面是表示时间的副词从句,while即是副词从句连接词。 19.(A) 后面的fire extinguisher(灭火器)是单数,所以代名词要用单数it。从 句it is held...需要连接词,故选A。D的during是介系词。 20.(B) 从语法要求来看,A和B都对。A表示“图书馆开着这件事”,B则是由疑问 句变来,表示“图书馆什么时候开”,两者都是正确的名词从句。不过B的问 题比较能配合上文I need to know...的语意。

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