Test 10


  1. For fear that we should run short of food ____the trip,we are carrying extra rations in the jeep.

    (A) at

    (B) among

    (C) in

    (D) on

  2. ____imprecise calculations,the experiment was a failure.

    (A) Due

    (B) Owing to

    (C) Viewing

    (D) According

  3. The children came rushing____the sound of the circus parade.

    (A) on

    (B) to

    (C) at

    (D) beyond

  4. Although too much leisure may lead people to a wasteful life,everyone has a right____a minimum amount of leisure time.

    (A) with

    (B) to

    (C) on

    (D) for

  5. In the sentence,“The size of the room is 12' × 14’,”the sign “×”is to read “__

    (A) and

    (B) with

    (C) by

    (D) cross

  6. The office is open Monday __ Saturday,and closed on Sundays.

    (A) since

    (B) through

    (C) also

    (D) with

  7. John's parents died when he was only a child,and ever since he did not seem to have a home __ his own.

    (A) in

    (B) of

    (C) with

    (D) at

  8. The dictionary is sold____one hundred dollars a copy.

    (A) with

    (B) by

    (C) in

    (D) at

  9. The workers are paid__.

    (A) by the week

    (B) with a week

    (C) to a week

    (D) since a week

  10. The experts know many things that won't work in curing AIDS,so they are that much closer to __ one that will.

    (A) find

    (B) found

    (C) finding

    (D) have found

  11. __ prices so high,I'll have to do without a new suit.

    (A) With

    (B) Because

    (C) Because of

    (D) As

  12. Mrs.Johnson's old cat likes to sit__ the sun.

    (A) near

    (B) in

    (C) underneath

    (D) below

  13. You can't do a hard day's work __ a cup of coffee and a slice of bread.

    (A) of

    (B) on

    (C) in

    (D) at

  14. The necklace you are wearing is very becoming __ you.

    (A) at

    (B) to

    (C) for

    (D) with

  15. In the photograph the man's face is____focus and blurred.

    (A) out of

    (B) with

    (C) on

    (D) to

  16. __ the seriousness of the occasion,the audience burst out laughing,at the extraordinary nature of the proposal.

    (A) Although

    (B) Notwithstanding

    (C) In respect of

    (D) On behalf of

  17. __ being portable,a walkman provides a high quality of sound.

    (A) Aside

    (B) Far from

    (C) Beside

    (D) Besides

  18. George likes all vegetables __ for spinach.

    (A) except

    (B) accept

    (C) excuse

    (D) expect

  19. __ the weather,forecast or anticipated,a true English gentleman always carries an umbrella,wherever he goes.

    (A) Regardless

    (B) Regard

    (C) Regard of

    (D) Regardless of

  20. I welcome you most cordially,both personally and __ behalf of the faculty and the student body.

    (A) in

    (B) at

    (C) on

    (D) to

Answer key 10

1.(D) the trip 是一段时间,也是一条路程,可用 on 或 along。 2.(B) owing to 类似 because of,表示因果关系。A和D都要加上 to 才能当短语 用,C的 viewing 不能当介系词用,只有 considering 可以这样使用。 3.(C) 用 at the sound 表示“听到声音那一刻,马上就冲出来”。 4.(B) a right to 表示“对于某事的权利”,是常用短语。 5.(C) 表示长宽(面积)的“ × ”读为 by。 6.(B) through 表示头尾包括在内,故一周中只有 Sunday 不开。 7.(B) 这是双重所有格,以 a home of his own 的方式来同时表示 a home 和 his own home。 8.(D) “以……之单价出售”,应用 at。 9.(A) 每周计算应用 by the week。 10.(C) 空格前的 to 是 close to 的一部分,应当介系词看待,因而要接动名词作宾 语。 11.(A) with prices so high 是以介系词短语方式来减化副词从句 be cause prices are so high。答案 C 的后面应改为 because of high prices 方可。答案B 和D都是从属连接词,可是后面的从句缺了动词。 12.(B) 本句中 the sun 指阳光,是立体的范围,故用in。 13.(B) on a cup of coffee…表示“只靠一杯咖啡……(来维持体力)”。 14.(B) becoming to one 表示“很适合某人(穿戴)”。 15.(A) 因为下文说 blurred (模糊),故选 out of focus (没对好焦距)。 16.(B) 下文说观众哄堂大笑,前面则是“场合严肃”,故要表示“相反”的关系( A 或 B )。而A的 although 是从属连接词,不能连接名词短语 the seriousness, 故用介系词的B。 17.(D) “除了”可手提,还可提供高品质音响。这个“除了”是“除了这还有那” 的意思,应用 besides。C的 beside 是“在…旁边”,A的 aside 是副词,B 的 far from 则是“决非……”。 18.(A) except for表示“除了……以外”,表示“这个不算”。 19.(D) regardless of 是“不顾,不管”。 20.(C) on behalf of 是“代表”。

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