补语为 to V


John is the one who should go this time. ( 这次是约翰走人。) 先行词 关系从句

关系从句中的 who should go 固然没有 be 动词,只要将其改成 who is to go 就有了,且意思相近,再把 who is 省略,即成为:

John is the one to go this time. 简化形容词从句

不定词的词类是“不一定”什么词类,也就是当名词、形容词、副词使用皆可。所以也符合原来关系从句的词类,可以形容先行词 the one,是正确的简化从句。



  1. John is not a man to trust.( 约翰这人不可信。)


  2. John is not a man to be trusted.



John is not a man. O One can trust the man. S V O

后面这一句的宾语the man就是前一句的a man,可以改为关系词,合成:

John is not a man whom one can trust. 先行词 关系从句


John is not a man one can trust. 先行词关系从句

这个关系从句中的主语是空洞的one,可以简化,再把can trust简化为to trust,即成为例1 John is not a man to trust。反之,如果原先是这两句:

John is not a man. O The man can be trusted. S V


John is not a man who can be trusted. 先行词 关系从句

从这个关系从句简化出来(省略主语 who ,助动词改为不定词),即可得出例2 John is not a man to be trusted 的结果。所以在这个例子中,不定词采主动或被动皆可。至于该用主动还是被动,要看上下文决定,不可一概而论。



  1. This is exactly the thing to do.

    先行词 简化形容词从句


  2. This is exactly the time to do it.

    先行词 简化形容词从句



This is exactly the thing. O We should do the thing. S V O

后一句中的the thing是宾语,改写为关系词后成为:

This is exactly the thing which we should do. 先行词关系从句


This is exactly the thing we should do. 先行词 关系从句

再把关系从句中的主语we省略(因为对方知道你在说谁),把助动词改为不定词,就得出例 1 This is exactly the thing to do。 如果原来是这两句话:

This is exactly the time. O We should do it at this time. S V O 时间副词

后一句中是以时间副词和先行词the time重复,因而改写成关系副词when来连接:

This is exactly the time when we should do it. 先行词 关系从句


This is exactly the time we should do it. 先行词 关系从句

再将关系从句以同样方法简化,于是得出例2 This is exactly the time to do it 的结果。


有些不定词宾语后面会跟个介系词,像 to talk to,to deal with,to get into 等。这是因为介系词后面的宾语就是关系词,径行省略之故,因而只见介系词不见宾语。例如:

  1. He will be the toughest guy.


  2. You must deal with the guy.

    S V 介系词 O

例2中的the guy是介系词with的宾语,它和例1的guy重复而建立关系,改写成关系词来连接两句:

He will be the toughest guy whom you must deal with. 先行词 关系从句 (他会是你得对付的家伙中最难缠的一个。)


He will be the toughest guy you must deal with. 先行词 关系从句


He will be the toughest guy to deal with. 先行词 简化形容词从句



如果主语省略会造成意思不清楚,可以安排主语于介系词短语中以宾语形态出现。最常用的介系词是 for 。例如:

I have a job that your brother can do. 先行词 关系从句 (我有件差事想请你哥哥来做。)

关系从句的关系词 that 是宾语,可以径行省略,成为:

I have a job your brother can do. 先行词 关系从句

这个关系从句的动词 can do 照样可简化为 to do ,但是主语 your brother 不宜省略,不然会变成 I have a job to do (我自己有件差事要做)。碰到这种主语不能省略的情形,可以用介系词短语来安插主语(这是配合不定词时的选择,若非不定词则另当别论),成为:

I have a job for your brother to do. 先行词 简化形容词从句

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