Test 12


  1. Although Columbus knew the earth was round,he could not imagine__.

    A) how was it large

    (B) how large it was

    (C) of what large it was

    (D) of that what size

  2. It is believed __ into modern birds.

    (A) that pterosaurs evolved

    (B) what pterosaurs were evolved

    (C) it was pterosaurs evolved

    (D) pterosaurs that were evolved

  3. __ in the stratosphere is depleted is not completely understood.

    (A) How ozone

    (B) While ozone

    (C) Ozone

    (D) Ozone that

  4. The fact____the forests of North America are shrinking almost as fast as are those of the Amazon Basin is largely ignored by the American people.

    (A) of

    (B) which

    (C) is that

    (D) that

  5. The report __ some birds guide African natives to honeybee hives was for a long time discredited by the scientific community.

    (A) why

    (B) which

    (C) what

    (D) that

  6. Whether she can do the job depends on how well prepared __ .

    (A) is she

    (B) can she

    (C) she is

    (D) she can

  7. Riding the rapids down the

    Colorado,Captain Powell was

    determined to prove __ could be traversed.

    (A) the Grand Canyon it

    (B) that in the Grand Canyon

    (C) how in the Grand Canyon

    (D) that the Grand Canyon

  8. After comparing the two answer

    sheets,the teacher came to the conclusion __ in the exam.

    (A) is the students cheated

    (B) which is the students that


    (C) that the students cheated

    (D) what the students cheated

  9. She wouldn't tell me __ she saw there.

    (A) what

    (B) that

    (C) which

    (D) how

  10. Scientists believe __ made the moon as cold as it is.

    (A) that an atmosphere is absent

    (B) that the absence of an atmosphere

    (C) what was the absence an


    (D) an atmosphere is absent

  11. Quantum physicists are interested in __ tiny particles move.

    (A) what

    (B) which

    (C) how

    (D) that

  12. __ is decided by the ecological role that it plays.

    (A) An animal sees well

    (B) Whether an animal sees well

    (C) Does an animal see well

    (D) So an animal sees well

  13. __ after lying dormant for

    hundreds of years is hard to believe.

    (A) It is seeds that can sprout

    (B) Seeds can sprout

    (C) That seeds can sprout

    (D) Sprouting seeds

  14. Analysts agree __ is too much “hot money”circulating in the stock market.

    (A) what

    (B) which

    (C) that

    (D) that there

  15. Have you wondered whether____too late to change your job?

    (A) it is

    (B) is it

    (C) that it is

    (D) is

  16. Many voters are concerned __ may not be able to deliver on his promises.

    (A) over the candidate

    (B) with the candidate

    (C) that the candidate

    (D) the candidate that

  17. ____is impossible to tell now.

    (A) When will it snow

    (B) Whether will snow

    (C) When it snows

    (D) Whether it will snow

  18. I find __ that he didn't take the money.

    (A) to believe hard

    (B) it to believe hard

    (C) it hardly to believe

    (D) it hard to believe

  19. Such an opportunity,__,comes only once in a lifetime.

    (A) the salesman says

    (B) that the salesman says

    (C) which says the salesman

    (D) what the salesman says

  20. Babylon is____Bagdad.

    (A) that is now

    (B) what now

    (C) what is now

    (D) that now

Answer key 12

1.(B) 空格部分是imagine的宾语位置。答案B是由疑问句产生的名词从句,可以 作宾语使用。 2.(A) 后面接连出现is depleted和is not understood这两个动词短语,表示应 有两个从句。答案A以 How ozone in the stratosphere is depleted (臭 氧层中的臭氧如何枯竭)这个疑问句产生的名词从句作为主语,后面的is not completely understood (并不完全清楚)就成为主要从句的动词。 3.(A) It是个虚字,应代表一个that引导的名词从句,故选A:“人们认为翼手龙演化成了现代的鸟类。” 4.(D) 主要从句是The fact...is largely ignored by the American people.(这 件事大致被美国人忽略。)空格后面的从句the forests of North America are shrinking fast...(北美的森林在迅速萎缩……)是完整的简单句,前面加上 that即成为名词从句,作为the fact 的同位语,故选D。 5.(D) 主要从句是 The report...was for a long time discredited by the scientific community.(这项报告……有很长一段时间不被科学界采信。) 空格后面那句some birds guide African natives to honeybee hives(有 些鸟类引导非洲土著找到蜂窝)是个完整的简单句,前面加上that就成为名 词从句,当作the report的同位语使用,故选D。 6.(D) 空格以下是动词prove的宾语位置。答案D的that the Grand Canyon could be traversed(大峡谷可以穿越)是个名词从句,可以作宾语用。 7.(A) 空格以下是动词tell的宾语位置。答案A的what she saw there 可以视为 疑问句What did she see there?作出来的名词从句,可作为宾语。 8.(C) 空格是介系词in的宾语位置,应使用名词类。答案C的how tiny particles move (小粒子如何移动)可视为由疑问句How do tiny particles move?作 出来的名词从句,所以可以放在介系词in的后面(等于省略掉the question 量子物理学家是对“问题”有兴趣)。 9.(C) 主要从句的句型是“Something”is hard to believe.,它的动词is表示出 主语必须是单数。答案C是个名词从句:That seeds can sprout after lying dormant for thousands of years (种子休眠几千年后还能发芽这件事),可 以作is的主语。 10.(C) 在depends on之后的部分又是一个问题:How well prepared is she?改成名 词从句即成为how well prepared she is,故选 C。 11.(C) 空格以下的部分是conclusion—字的同位语,应使用that引导的名词从句, 故选C。 12.(B) 空格以下是动词believe的宾语,其中已经有动词,所以前面需要一个主语 以及连接词that构成名词从句,才可以当宾语用,故选B。 13.(B) 空格部分是动词is decided前面的主语部分。既然是需要decided的事情, 表示应该用疑问句改造的名词从句,故选 B。 14.(C) 从前面的Analysts agree (分析家一致认为)来看,接下来应该是一个叙述 某种看法的名词从句(以that引导),而不是疑问句形态的名词从句(以疑 问词引导),故选C。 15.(A) 自whether以下是疑问句改造的名词从句,作为动词wonder的宾语,故选A。 16.(D) 空格部分应选择一个由疑问句改造的名词从句,来当作动词 is的主语使用, 故选D。C的when it snows解释为“下雪的时候”,是副词从句,不能作主 语。 17.(A) 空格置于两个逗号之间,是一个括弧性的插入结构。这个句子可以视为一个 间接引句,空格中的部分用来介绍说这句话的人,故选A。 18.(C) 空格以下是一个that引导的名词从句,已经有动词may not be,所以只缺 that和主语,故选C。 19.(D) 空格后面的that从句是名词从句,被往后移动,而以虚词it暂代这个从句 来作动词find的宾语,故选D。 20.(C) 先从这句来了解:

Babylon is the place that is now Bagdad. (巴比伦就是今天叫做巴格达的地方。) that从句是形容词从句,如果要省略掉that的先行词the place,就得把 that换成另一个关系词what,即成为C的答案。

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