Test 4


  1. Not wishing to attend the dance, Marie \__ that she had a fever.

    (A) made believed

    (B) make believe

    (C) makes believe

    (D) made believe

  2. He is said by his friends __ .

    (A) to be gentle and gracious

    (B) to have graciousness and gentle

    (C) gentle and a gracious man

    (D) that is a gentle and gracious man

  3. __ any aspect of animal behavior, the biologist must first determine the laws influencing animal behavior.

    (A) Explain

    (B) To explain

    (C) One explains

    (D) The explanation of

  4. "I'll help you whenever you need me."

    "good. I'd like __ me tomorrow."

    (A) you helping

    (B) that will help

    (C) you to help

    (D) that you help

  5. “Where did he go?”“He went to another store __ .”

    (A) to buy slacks

    (B) for buy slacks

    (C) buy slacks

    (D) buying slacks

  6. \__ the silkworm makes a liquid in its body and then squeezes it out through special holes.

    (A) It makes silk

    (B) Making silk

    (C) To make silk,

    (D) Silk is made by

  7. I am a peaceful person. Don't make me \__ violence.

    (A) use

    (B) using

    (C) to use

    (D) used by

  8. Americans \__ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.

    (A) used to having

    (B) are used to have

    (C) are used to having

    (D) used to

  9. The bus driver told the man \__ his naughty son to hang out the window.

    (A) to don't allow

    (B) not to allow

    (C) not allowing

    (D) don't allowing

  10. To get an education, \__ .

    (A) one must work hard

    (B) working hard is necessary

    (C) there is need to work hard

    (D) hard work is needed

  11. The purpose of the investigation is \__ the suspect's degree of involvement in the crime.

    (A) to ascertaining

    (B) ascertaining

    (C) to ascertain

    (D) ascertained

  12. The witness went on the witness stand \__ by the prosecution.

    (A) being questioned

    (B) to question

    (C) to be questioned

    (D) questioning

  13. You can playback the answering machine. She __.

    (A) will call

    (B) could call

    (C) could have called

    (D) is calling

  14. __ able to write an academic paper, you must do a lot of library research.

    (A) Be

    (B) Being

    (C) To be

    (D) Before

  15. You should avoid __ vague words in your composition.

    (A) to use

    (B) using

    (C) the use

    (D) to using

  16. He is waiting at the restaurant for a free table because he forgot __ a reservation in advance.

    (A) making

    (B) to make

    (C) made

    (D) have to make

  17. We can go out now.It stopped __ quite a while ago.

    (A) rain

    (B) raining

    (C) to rain

    (D) rained

  18. He always has his shoes \__ at the railway station.

    (A) shone

    (B) to shine

    (C) shining

    (D) shined

  19. Don't sit up too late, for night is a time \__ .

    (A) resting

    (B) to rest

    (C) that rests

    (D) when rest

  20. He was made \__ the Bible every night before going to bed.

    (A) read

    (B) to read

    (C) reading

    (D) reads

Answer key 4

1.(D) 从she had a fever可看出时间在过去,因而排除现在时间的B和C。made 是“使役动词”,所以后面用原形动词的believe。若make believe二字连 用时即表示“假装”,已成为常用的短语。 2.(A) 动词is said (据说)暗示“并不确定”,所以要配合不定词使用,可先删去 非不定词的C和D。在A和B中有对等连接词and,其左右要对称。B中的 graciousness 是名词,和gentle这个形容词不对称,故选A (gentle 和 gracious 都是形容词)。 3.(B) 主语the biologist 和动词must first determine 配合构成一个独立从句, 它的前面若加上一个动词(如A),—个没有连接词的从句(如C),或是一个 名词短语(如D),都会造成句型的错误,只有B的不定词短语是修饰语的性 质,可以附在独立从句上而不影响它的句型。 4.(C) 根据上下文,回答句应是“希望你明天能来帮忙”的意思。因为牵涉到“会 来”、“能来”的语气,应有表示不确定的助动词(如B)或不定词(如C),其 他可排除。又,B的构造(that will help)是形容词从句,不能放在like后 面作宾语,所以选C,以you为宾语,to help为宾语补语。 5.(A) 以“他到另一家店去买裤子”来回答“他到哪儿去了?”。这时“去买裤子” 是说明动机或目的,最恰当的选择是用in order to 或直接to来表示,故 选A优于Ving形态的D。B中以动词buy置于介系词之后,C中直接在独立 从句后加上动词,是明显的语法错误。 6.(C) 空格后的部分是个独立从句,前面加上从句而无连接词(如 A), 或加上介系 词(如D),都不合语法。B和C分别用分词和不定词,在词类上都符合句型 的要求。然而这些修饰语置于句首时要有逗点隔开,只有C符合这项要求。 7.(A) 动词make是“使役动词”,后面直接用原形动词(只有A)作补语。 8.(C) are used 表示“习惯了”,后面的to是介系词,意为“对”某事习惯了。既 是介系词,就要有名词作宾语,故选C。如果用used to,可视为助动词看待, 表示“从前常常”,既是助动词,后面得有原形动词,而A和D都没有。 9.(B) told the man 在此是“叫别人去做……”之意,含有要求的味道,也就是 The driver said to the man that he should...之意,因此后面应用不定词, 故从A和B来选。而不定词不是限定动词,不能加助动词don’t来作否定句, 只能用not,故选B。 10.(A) to get an education 是 so that (或 in order that) one can get an education 的意思,所以后面的主要从句应用one作主语。 11.(C) 主语the purpose是“目的”,而be动词后面的空格是主语补语位置,也就 表示目的,所以要用不定词短语to (代表in order to) ascertain (想确定 一下)。 12.(C) 下文的by the prosecution (被检方),表示要用被动态,也就是A和C。而 being questioned 意为“正在被质询”,和前面的went on the witness stand (走上证人台)有冲突,应用不定词,表示“走上台后才要”被质询。 13.(C) playback 是“播放”,带子上有声音才能播,所以下文应是“她可能来过电 话了”,表示对过去的猜测,要用助动词加完成式。 14.(B) 从下文的you must。这个条件来看,前面表示的应是一个“目的”,也就是 in order to,所以用不定词。 15.(B) avoid 有强烈否定意味,与暗示be going to 的不定词冲突,故用动名词。 如果用C的the use,它就是 avoid 的宾语,所以要再加上个介系词才能连 上下文,例如avoid the use of vague words。 16.(B) 从上下文看得出来他事先该订位却忘了,所以要用不定词 for got to make, 意既 He forgot that he should make... 17.(C) raining 有持续的暗示,stopped raining表示先前一直在下雨,后来停了。 18.(D) 后面一半可还原为His shoes are shined...(他的鞋在…给人擦)。把主语 shoes改成宾语,补语shined改成宾语补语,即是答案。 19.(B) to rest是when you should rest 的变化。C 用形容词从句表示是“夜晚本 身在休息”,D的when rest 则缺了主语。 20.(B) make虽是使役动词,要用原形动词作补语,可是在被动态中就得把to放回 去,成为不定词。

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