Test 9


  1. The landlord demanded that he __ the rent by tomorrow.

    (A) pays

    (B) pay

    (C) paid

    (D) has paid

  2. __ him, I would have spoken to him.

    (A) Had I known

    (B) If I should have known

    (C) If I know

    (D) If I had been known

  3. If you __ with her last night, there wouldn't be any misunderstanding between you now.

    (A) talked

    (B) were talking

    (C) could talk

    (D) had talked

  4. I wish I __ there yesterday.

    (A) was

    (B) were

    (C) had been

    (D) could be

  5. __ to participate, I might have won First Place.

    (A) Had had the chance

    (B) I had had the chance

    (C) The chance had I had

    (D) Had I had the chance

  6. He would have made the speech, only that he __ a sore throat.

    (A) has

    (B) had

    (C) had had

    (D) has had

  7. That was a close call; you __ hit by the car.

    (A) could have been

    (B) can have been

    (C) could be

    (D) can be

  8. Even if he __ here, he couldn't have helped you.

    (A) has been

    (B) had been

    (C) was

    (D) were

  9. If you had asked him, he __ the truth.

    (A) might tell

    (B) would tell

    (C) might have told

    (D) had told

  10. __ you were coming, I would have got the contract prepared.

    (A) Had I known

    (B) If I knew

    (C) If I know

    (D) Should I know

  11. They suggested that he __ it alone.

    (A) does

    (B) do

    (C) will do

    (D) has done

  12. If he should leave, everything would go to pieces.(Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the above)

    (A)He is going to leave, but there is nothing to worry about.

    (B)Fortunately he's not leaving, for everything depends on him.

    (C)Things will take a turn for the worse, and then he will leave.

    (D)I hope he won't leave, but I'm afraid he has too much to do and can't stay.

  13. I'll let you know the results when they __ .

    (A)come out

    (B)will come out

    (C)came out

    (D)would have come out

  14. The boss demanded that all the letters __ without delay by seven tonight.

    (A) were typewritten

    (B) be typewritten

    (C) would be typewritten

    (D) typewriting

  15. I'm not worried about security because I think he_ .

    (A)dares not tell

    (B)dares not to tell

    (C)doesn't dare tell

    (D)doesn't dare to tell

  16. Choose the wrong sentence:

    (A) They didn't stop to rest at each station because it would have slowed them down.

    (B) It would have slowed them down to stop to rest at each station.

    (C)Much as they would like to stop to rest at each station, they thought better of it.

    (D)It was essential that they stopped to rest at each station, they thought better of it.

  17. This door ought to __ a week ago.

    (A)have fixed

    (B)be fixed

    (C)get fixed

    (D)have been fixed

  18. If you don't finish this assignment on time, they __ you.

    (A)wouldn't have paid

    (B)had not paid

    (C)won't pay

    (D)didn't pay

  19. I am surprised that you_ so indiscreetly.


    (B)should be acted

    (C)should have acted

    (D)could have been acted

  20. He said he __ disgrace.

    (A)would rather die than suffer

    (B)chose death to

    (C)would prefer death before

    (D)would die rather than

Answer key 9

  1. (B)


  2. (D)

    这是过去时间(last night)的非事实,应用假设语气,即过去完成的形状,


  3. (D)

    从下文might have won可看出这也是过去时间假设语气,应用过去完成形状:

    If I had had the chance to participate …省略掉连接词If时需倒装,


  4. (A)

    从上句was得知是过去时间(a close call意为千钧一发),后面的假设语

    气应用过去拼法的助动词配合完成式表示,故选 A。

  5. (C)

    从had asked可看出时间在过去,是假设语气,因而空格要选择过去时间假


  6. (B)


  7. (A)

    从would have spoken可看出是过去时间假设语气,故应用过去完成拼法,

    即If I had known him,省略If后要倒装,即是A。

  8. (C)

    wish表示这是非事实的愿望,要用假设语气。时间yesterday 是过去,其假


  9. (B)

    从would have made来看是过去时间的假设语气(本来当时可以演说的)。然

    而下文的only that (不过)把语气反了过来,成为事实语气,所以要用简

    单过去式B (he had a sore throat,他当时喉咙痛,这是事实,不用假设


  10. (B)

    从even if和couldn't have helped可看出这又是过去时间的假设语气,应


  11. (A)

    由下文would have got可看出是过去时间假设语气,故应用过去完成式If

    I had known,再省去If用倒装句,即是A。

  12. (B)



    A是“他会走,不过也不用怕。” C是“事情会恶化,然后他才会一走了之。”


  13. (B)

    由demanded that可看出这是间接命令句语气,应用原形动词。

  14. (D)

    A 中的they didn't stop是事实语气,it would have slowed them down (停


    as they would like表示 although they would like very much,而they

    thought better of it是“他们打消了那个念头”。D的句型表示这是间接命


  15. (C)

    由上文If you don't finish可看出,不是假设非事实语气,而是还有可能


  16. (A)

    与上题相同,从I'll let you know可看出并非假设语气,所以要用现在式


  17. (D)

    dare可作助动词,不过当助动词就不能加-s,后面要接原形动词,例如He dare

    not tell。这个词也可以作普通动词,不过当普通动词就不能直接加not作否定句,后面也不能再用原形动词,而应该如He doesn't dare to tell。

  18. (D)

    时间a week ago是过去,而语气助动词ought to要表示相对的过去时间得



  19. (C)


    的,助动词后面要加完成式来表示相对的过去时间,所以用C (这句要用主


  20. (A)

    rather than就是一个比较级,than是连接词,前后连接的部分要对称。如

    放在would之后,就会连接两个原形动词,故排除 D。答案 C 应为 would

    prefer death to (disgrace),答案 B应为would choose death over


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